Project list

Below is a list of projects JIN Corporation has been engaged in.



Sustainable Natural Resources Management and Enhanced Refugee-Host Coexistence Project in West Nile Sub Region (SUNReC) (Technical Training in Japan)

 ‐JICA (Dec 2024-Nov 2026)

■South Sudan


 ‐JICA (Jan 2025-Mar 2027)


Sustainable Natural Resources Management and Enhanced Refugee-Host Coexistence Project in West Nile Sub Region (SUNReC)

 ‐JICA (Dec 2024-Nov 2026)

■Kyrgyz Republic

Maste Plan Project for the Development of Value Chain for Vegetables and Certain Types of Crop through Cluster Approach

 ‐JICA (Nov 2024-May 2026)

Knowledge Co-Creation Program for Sport Administration/Sport Promotion (JFY 2024)

 ‐JICA (Sep 2024-Dec 2024)


Detailed Planning Survey on the Project for Strengthening of Capabilities of Ecosystem Conservation in the Coastal Areas (EvaluationAnalysis)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2024-Jan 2025)

■Data Collection Survey on the Movement of People and Refugees in East Africa and the Great Lakes Region

 ‐JICA (Jun 2024-Jul 2025)

■Capacity development on market-oriented agriculture task team in Uganda

 ‐Sasakawa Africa Association (May 2024-Aug 2024)


Worldwide market research on entry fees

 ‐NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd. (Jan 2024-Mar 2024)

■South Sudan

Advisor for Strategic Agriculture Development(The second period)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2024-Mar 2026)


Data Collection Survey on Productive Use of Energy (PUE) in Rural Area in Malawi

 ‐JICA (Nov 2023-Nov 2024)


Detailed Planning Survey on the Project for Capacity Development for Enhancement of Rice Production

 ‐JICA (Oct 2023-Jan 2024)


Detailed Planning Survey on the Project for co-designing neglected zoonosis intervention through One Health, education, and public-private partnership (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Aug 2023-Oct 2023)

■South Sudan

The Project for Youth Empowerment Through Sports for Peace Promotion(The second Technical Training)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2023-Sep 2023)

■Data Collection Survey on Intervention Methodology for Gender Equality Promotion (Health/Education)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2023-Aug 2025)

■Analysis and technical support for global expansion of SHEP

 ‐JICA (Jun 2023-Feb 2024)

■Data Collection Survey on Refugees and Host Communities' Livelihood Improvement through Cotton Production Business in Uganda

 ‐JICA (Jun 2023-Jun 2024)


Detailed Planning Survey on the Project for Irrigated and Rainfed Rice Development by Reinforcing Value Chain

 ‐JICA (May 2023-Jul 2023)

■Data Collection Survey on Formulating Partnership Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mangrove(The second period)

 ‐JICA (Mar 2023-Feb 2025)

■South Sudan


 ‐JICA (Feb 2023-Jan 2025)


Northern Uganda Farmers' Livelihood Improvement Project in the Republic of Uganda Phase 2(The second period)

 ‐JICA (Mar 2023-Apr 2025)

■South Sudan

Advisor for Strategic Agriculture Development(The first period)

 ‐JICA (Jan 2023-Jan 2024)


Detailed Planning Survey on the Project to Strengthen the Rice Value Chain of the Senegal River Valley (Evaluation and Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Dec 2022-Mar 2023)


Detailed Planning Survey on the “Project for Strengthening of Platform for Monitoring Forest Fire” (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Nov 2022-Aug 2023)

■South Sudan

The Project for Youth Empowerment Through Sports for Peace Promotion(The first Technical Training)

 ‐JICA (Oct 2022-Nov 2022)


SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Beekeeping to Promote Conservation of Biodiversity and Women’s Empowerment in the Republic of Vanuatu

 ‐JICA (Sep 2022-Jan 2024)


Public-Private-Partnership Project for the Improvement of the Agriculture Product Marketing and Distribution System Phase 2 Mid-term Review

 ‐JICA (Sep 2022-Nov 2022)


Detailed Planning Survey on “Project for Improving the Quality of Hospital Services” (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Sep 2022-Dec 2022)


Detailed Planning Survey on the Project for Establishment of a Research and Education Complex for Developing Disaster-resilient Societies - MARTEST (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Aug 2022-Oct 2022)

■Burkina Faso

Detailed Planning Survey on the Project for the Improvement of the Nutritional Situation through Agriculture (Evaluation and Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Aug 2022-Oct 2022)


SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Sawdust Bag Cultivation Technology for Japanese Mushrooms to enhance Joint Forest Management

 ‐JICA (Jan 2022-Jul 2023)


Project on Capacity Development for Nutrition Improvement in Federal Capital Territory (The third period)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2022-Nov 2024)

■South Sudan

Project for Revitalization and Promotion of Agriculture for Food Security and Livelihoods Improvement

 ‐JICA (Feb 2022-Feb 2023)


The Project for Capacity Enhancement for Sustainable World Heritage Management and Preservation in Luang Prabang (Water Quality Improvement and Monitoring)

 ‐JICA(Nov 2021-Jul 2022)

■South Sudan

Project for Youth Empowerment through Sports for Peace Promotion (YES for Peace)

 ‐JICA (Oct 2021-Mar 2025)


Northern Uganda Farmers' Livelihood Improvement Project in the Republic of Uganda Phase 2(The first period)

 ‐JICA (Sep 2021-Mar 2023)

■South Sudan 

Project for Revitalization and Promotion of Agriculture for Food Security and Livelihoods in the Republic of South Sudan

 ‐JICA (Aug 2021-Oct 2021)


Project for Strengthening Community-Based Health Services Focusing on the Life-course Approach in the Upper West, Upper East, and Northern Regions (The second period)

 ‐JICA (Apr 2021-Oct 2023)

■Advisory Contract on Agriculture and Climate Resilience

 ‐JICA (Apr 2021-Mar 2022)


Project on Capacity Development for Nutrition Improvement in Federal Capital Territory (The second period)

 ‐JICA (Mar 2021-Feb 2022)


Basic Data Collection Study on Nutrition Sector in Ethiopia

 ‐JICA (Mar 2021-Jun 2021)

■Data Collection Survey on Formulating Partnership Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mangrove

 ‐JICA (Jan 2021-Mar 2023)


Detailed Planning Survey on Establishment of integrated forest management system for conservation of mountain forest ecosystems in the Andean-Amazon(Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Dec 2020-Jun 2021)


Basic Planning Survey on Capacity Development Project for Promotion of Market-oriented Agriculture and Improved Irrigation Scheme Management in River Nile State(Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Nov 2020-Jan 2021)

■Africa Region

Study on the Impact of Digital Technology in South Africa and Ghana

 ‐JICA (Jun 2020-Jul 2021)


Model Farm Project on Japanese Technology for Agro-Industry in India

 ‐MAFF (Jun 2020-Mar 2021)


Technical Assistance for Mombasa SEZ Development Promotion in Republic of Kenya

 ‐JICA (Jun 2020-Feb 2022)


Youth Employment Project for Somalia (The second period)

 ‐JICA (Jan 2020-Aug 2023)


Detailed Planning Survey on Farmer Field School (FFS) based Agro-forestry and Natural Resource Development Extension Supporting Project (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Jan 2020-Mar 2020)

■South Sudan 

Project for Youth Empowerment through Sports for Peace Promotion(Project Management)

 ‐JICA (Dec 2019-Mar 2020)


The Project for Capacity Enhancement for Sustainable World Heritage Management and Preservation in Luang Prabang

 ‐JICA(Nov 2019-Jan 2020)


Industrial Promotion Project (Investment Promotion and Industrial Park Development)(Phase 2)

 ‐JICA (Sep 2019-Jun 2022)


Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion Project for Local and Up-scaling 2

 ‐JICA (Oct 2019-Dec 2019)


The detailed survey for the project on sustainable utilisation, operation and management of Atari river basin irrigation scheme (Farmer organization and water users' association)

 ‐JICA (Aug 2019-Feb 2020)


The Project for Capacity Enhancement for Sustainable World Heritage Management and Preservation in Luang Prabang

 ‐JICA(Aug 2019-Sep 2019)


Detailed Planning Survey on the Project "A Sustainable Community Development Model Harmonized with Valuable Nature in Lake Malawi National Park, the World Natural Heritage Site" (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA(Aug 2019-Nov 2019)


the Pilot Project for Establishment of Dissemination Model of High-Quality Mitsumata (Argeli) Production in Nepal

 ‐JICA (Jul 2019-Nov 2024)


Project on Capacity Development for Nutrition Improvement in Federal Capital Territory (The first period)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2019-Jan 2021)

■South Sudan

Project for Capacity Development for CAMP/IDMP Implementation (Phase 2)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2019-Dec 2021)


Northern Uganda Farmers' Livelihood Improvement Project in the Republic of Uganda (The third period)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2019-Oct 2021)


Preparatory Survey for the Project for Infrastructure Development in Mombasa Special Economic Zone

 ‐JICA (Feb 2019-Jan 2020)


Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion Project for Local and Up-scaling (Up-scaling of SHEP Approach)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2019-Jun 2019)


The Project for Capacity Enhancement for Sustainable World Heritage Management and Preservation in Luang Prabang

 ‐JICA(Dec 2018-Jun 2019)

■Papua New Guinea

The Project for Biodiversity Conservation through Implementation of the PNG Policy on Protected Areas

 ‐JICA(Jun 2018-May 2019)

■Papua New Guinea

The Project for Biodiversity Conservation through Implementation of the PNG Policy on Protected Areas

 ‐JICA(Feb 2018-Mar 2018)


Youth Employment Project for Somalia (The first period)

 ‐JICA (Jan 2018-Dec 2019)

■South Sudan

Peace Promotion through Sports

 ‐JICA (Oct 2017-Mar 2019)


Preparatory Study on Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystems Management and Livelihoods Improvement Project

 ‐JICA (Sep 2017-Oct 2017)


Research on Policy/Strategy Formulation on Sport and Development

 ‐JICA (Sep 2017- Mar 2022)


The Preparatory Study on Project on Capacity Development for Nutrition Improvement in Federal Capital Territory (Nutrition Improvement)

 ‐JICA (Sep 2017-Nov 2017)


Terminal evaluation and detailed design planning for the Promotion of Rice Development (PRiDe) Project in Uganda

 ‐JICA (Aug 2017-Nov 2017)

■South Sudan

Project for Capacity Development for CAMP/IDMP Implementation (Phase 1)

 ‐JICA (Aug 2017-Aug 2018)


Project for Strengthening Detection of and Response to Public Health Threats in Nigeria

 ‐JICA (Jul 2017-Sep 2017)

■The Philippines

Information Collection and Verification Survey on Agriculture Sector Modernization in the Philippines (Agriculture Policy and Financing)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2017-Mar 2018)

■South Sudan

Data Collection Survey on Gender

 ‐JICA (Mar 2017-Sep 2017)


Northern Uganda Farmers' Livelihood Improvement Project in the Republic of Uganda (The second period)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2017-Jan 2019)


Industrial Promotion Project (Investment Promotion and Industrial Park Development)(Phase 1)

 ‐JICA (Jan 2017-May 2019)

■South Sudan 

Data Collection Survey on the Peace-building through Sports (Social consideration / Peace-building)

 ‐JICA (Nov 2016-Mar 2017)


Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA Project, "Feasibility Survey for Igusa (Rush) Production in Myanmar"

 ‐JICA (Nov 2016-May 2018)


Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA Project, "Feasibility Survey for Mitsumata (Argeli) Production in Nepal"

 ‐JICA (May 2016-May 2017)

■The Philippines / Indonesia 

Detailed Planning Survey on the Project on Comprehensive Assessment and Conservation of Blue Carbon Ecosystems and their Services in the Coral Triangle (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Aug 2016-Oct 2016)


National Wetlands Management Project (3rd year)

 ‐JICA (Aug 2016-Dec 2016)


Community Planning for Hokuriku Area 

 ‐MLIT(Jan 2016-Mar 2016)


Northern Uganda Farmers' Livelihood Improvement Project in the Republic of Uganda (The first period)

 ‐JICA (Nov 2015-Jan 2017)


Community Planning for Hokuriku Area 

 ‐MLIT(Oct 2015-Dec 2015)

■The Kyrgyz Republic

The Project for Development of the Rural Business with Forest Products in the Kyrgyz Republic

 ‐JICA (Sep 2015-Dec 2019)


Terminal Evaluation of the Project for Strengthening Primary Health Care System

 ‐JICA (Aug 2015-Oct 2015)

■South Sudan 

Comprehensive Agricultural Development Master Plan (Extension phase of the 4th year)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2015-Feb 2017)

■South Sudan 

Data Collection Survey on the Peace-building through Sports (Peace-building through Sports)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2015-Mar 2017)


Detailed Planning Survey on the Project on Improvement of Health Service through Health Infrastructure Management Phase 2 (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2015-Aug 2015)


Community Planning for Hokuriku Area 

 ‐MLIT (Jun 2015-Aug 2015)

■South Sudan 

Detailed Planning Survey for The Project for Management Capacity Enhancement of South Sudan Urban Water Corporation Phase 2 (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Apr 2015-Jul 2015)


National Wetlands Management Project (3rd year)

 ‐JICA (Apr 2015-Mar 2016)


Detailed Planning Survey for the Northern Uganda Farmers' Livelihood Improvement Project (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Mar 2015-May 2015)


Detailed Planning Survey for Small Holder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion Project for Local and Up-scaling (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Sep 2014-Nov 2014)

■South Sudan 

Comprehensive Agricultural Development Master Plan (4th year)

 ‐JICA (May 2014-Jun 2015)

■South Sudan 

Comprehensive Agricultural Development Master Plan (3rd year)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2014-Mar 2014)


National Wetlands Management Project (2nd year)

 ‐JICA (Jan 2014-Dec 2014)


Detailed Planning Survey for the Project for Capacity Development of Yezin Agricultural University in Myanmar (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Jan 2014-Mar 2014)


Mid-term Review of Project for Strengthening Primary Health Care System (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Jan 2014-Mar 2014)


Detailed Planning Survey for the Technical Cooperation Project for the Capacity Building in Engineering, Science, and Technology (C-BEST) at Hasanuddin University in the Eastern Part of Indonesia (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Nov 2013-Jan 2014)


Feasibility Study on Don Duong Pumped Storage Power Project in Vietnam

 ‐METI (Sep 2013-Feb 2014)


Nationwide Master Plan Study on Storage-type Hydroelectric Power Development in Nepal (3rd year)

 ‐JICA (May 2013-Dec 2013)


Preparatory Survey for the Project for Promoting Innovation Toward Establishment of the Institute for Basic Science, Technology and Innovation of the African Union's Pan African University Hosted by JKUAT/Kenya (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Jun 2013-Dec 2013)

■South Sudan 

Comprehensive Agricultural Development Master Plan (2nd year)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2013-Jun 2014)


Project for Strengthening of Malaria Control System Phase II (3rd year)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2013-Mar 2014)


Data Collection Survey on Local Administration (Strengthening of Local Administration / Community Development (1))

 ‐JICA (Jan 2013-Mar 2013)


Mid-term Review of the Project on Capacity Development for Effective Flood Management in Flood Prone Area

 ‐JICA (Jan 2013-Mar 2013)


Data Collection Survey on Human Resource Development for Nurses and Care Workers (Human Resource Development for Care Workers)

 ‐JICA (Dec 2012-Apr 2013)

■South Sudan 

Comprehensive Agricultural Development Master Plan (1st year)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2012-Jan 2013)


Detailed Planning Survey for the Project of Assistance for the Implementation of an Integrated Family and Community Health Care Model (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Aug 2012-Oct 2012)

■Tanzania, Burkina Faso

The Study on the Japanese Grant Assistance for the Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers for Japanese fiscal year 2012 (2KR)

 ‐JICA (Aug 2012-Nov 2012)


Mid-term Review of the Project for Improving Maternal and Newborn Care Through Midwifery Capacity Development (Evaluation Analysis)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2012-Aug 2012)


Project for Power Sector Governance Improvement

 ‐JICA (May 2012-Jun 2013)


Nationwide Master Plan Study on Storage-type Hydroelectric Power Development in Nepal (2nd year)

 ‐JICA (May 2012-Feb 2013)


The Preparatory Survey on Ayago Hydropower Project

 ‐JICA (Apr 2012-Mar 2014)


Design and Supervision Consulting Services for South-Western Bangladesh Rural Development Project

 ‐Gov. of Bangladesh (Apr 2012-Jan 2013)

■South Sudan 

Detailed Planning Survey on Comprehensive Agricultural Development Master Plan (Farming Systems / Agro Environment)

 ‐JICA (Mar 2012-May 2012)


National Wetlands Management Project (1st year)

 ‐JICA (Mar 2012-Nov 2013)


Project for Strengthening of Malaria Control System Phase II (2nd year)

 ‐JICA (Feb 2012-Jan 2013)


Ex-Post Evaluation of Japanese Technical Cooperation Project: Project for Irrigation Farming Improvement

 ‐JICA (Nov 2011-Apr 2012)


Nationwide Master Plan Study on Storage-type Hydroelectric Power Development in Nepal (1st year)

 ‐JICA (Dec 2011-Feb 2012)


Dispatch of an Expert to the Project for Capacity Development for Rural Area Extension System with Agriculture-centered Micro-project (Training for Agricultural Extension Officers)

 ‐JICA (Dec 2011-Mar 2012)


Detailed Planning Survey on District and Urban Roads (DUR) Mapping and Roads Database Project 

 ‐JICA (Oct 2011-Nov 2011)

■Sudan (currently South Sudan) 

Preliminary Study on an Agriculture Sector Development Program (Agricultural Extension / Human Resource Development)

 ‐JICA (Jul 2011-Dec 2011)


Pre-feasibility study on Ninh Son and Don Duong Pumped Storage Power Plants in Vietnam

 ‐METI (Jun 2011-Feb 2012)


Project for Strengthening of Malaria Control System Phase II (1st year)

 ‐JICA (Apr 2011-Jan 2012)


Project for the Improvement of Water Supply and Sanitation in the Southern Part of the Eastern Province

 ‐JICA (Mar 2011-Dec 2011)